Tuesday 20 April 2010

The good husband (Godwin) 486

I was left feeling a bit disappointed by The good husband; I'm not sure why. Probably starting to read it just before I came down with a sickness virus didn't help, nor trying to finish it when I was still struggling to concentrate on reading.

Essentially it's the story of Magda, who is dying, and her husband who is caring for her, and the characters that enter their lives. I didn't find the plot particularly gripping nor did I care very much for the characters.

Has anyone else read it? Was I just in the wrong frame of mind? I hope my fiance proves to be more of a Good husband than this book was! Anyway, Gail Godwin has written another VMC, intriguingly entitled The odd woman, so I will be revisiting her in due course.

It's been published just the once by Virago in 2002, in a more modern cover style.


  1. Sorry to read that you didn't enjoy it. I can say it is lovely to have a good husband, so I hope your fiance proves his worth. I have been married for 11 years now and my hubby is one of the best.

  2. Thanks Vivienne - glad that you have a wonderful husband :)
